Lead Testing and Risk Assessment

GeoTek is an EPA Region 8 certified Lead Based Paint Inspector/Risk Assessor under Section 402 of the Toxic Substances Control Act for the State of South Dakota, excluding areas under Indian Tribal jurisdiction. We are also certified by the Iowa Department of Health under 641-Chapter 70, IAC to perform inspections and risk assessments in the State of Iowa.

GeoTek performs lead based paint risk assessment in accordance with HUD requirements. We offer point-and-shoot measurements of total lead using our Thermo-Niton XLP-303A X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrum Analyzer or XRF. The XRF can also be used to analyze soil samples for screening purposes. Laboratory analysis is also available for paint chip samples, bulk materials, and remediation clearance testing.

XRF testing can also be used for documenting the presence/lack of lead paint for the EPA Renovation, Repair, and Painting(RRP) rule.

GeoTek Lead Risk Assessor:
Katherine Howard, EPA Certified Lead Inspector/Risk Assessor